Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pats Dress

Firstly, and on a somber note I ask you all to say a quick prayer for friend of mine, it would mean alot to me. - Thank you.

I am fairly amazed at the fact that when you click on Pat's statistics, that many people have been able to enjoy my halloween costume, even my older sister Merrill is having fun with this. But nothing is really going to be as incredible as what I found today. To say I am pleased, would be to look at my pants tomorrow night and only think; wow I wonder if he knows those look a bit snug.

I'll post the first photo: try to envision this whole costume coming together like Iron Man's, minus all the money and science.

I need to be upfront with all of you, I am thinking about tossing the fucking red shirt and going sleeveless. Yes, it will be fucking cold - - but shit that would be hilarious. Now if you have read this far you either caught or you didn't catch why tonight was fucking amazing for me....
Hint: It's not the Jack Daniel's beater, you knew I had that shit, obama please.

Its this little CSI: Brookline creation i call photoshop - which i have used to highlight something I, until today, did not believe was within the genetic make-up of any man; he matched his sweater vest to his socks. in plaid. But go back up and take a closer look at the top of this digitally remastered photograph. Right below the neckline you can see why (and this was completely unintentional i just noticed it afterward) this little jpeg file is called


Tomorrow will be a big day, and I invite everyone over early afternoon to have a beer and give out some candy, if they choose (i think i'm leaving work at like 3 so...) but I am still open to ideas on how to give away the farm. Ideas welcome. Keep it secret, keep it safe. Pray.

1 comment:

Merrill Foster said...

Haha, this is awesome. Blakey at the top of his game. However, I feel compelled, for accuracy's sake, to point out that the sweatervest/sock duo from JCrew's "Urkel" line is in fact argyle and not plaid.

That is all.