Monday, October 27, 2008

Day 1: Becoming Pat - The Sweater Vest

5 Days Until Halloween:

Here is the idea - Pat told me he was getting a level 3 bio-hazard suit from his work (think Outbreak) that I could wear for Halloween. Today he bailed on the idea and told me "you should have a back-up" with that smug half grin and all knowing tone he tends to adopt when speaking to non-scientists.

So here is my backup: I am building a Pat Lizotte suit. Similar to how people build fat suits, or mega-man suits, or what have you, I am going to steal one item of clothing per day from Pat's room until Halloween on Friday night. I'll post a picture of the suit each day as I find another gem to add to the outfit, but essentially I want to build a suit that is every inch of the argyle wearing hipster we all know and like in unequal amounts.

So for my first choice, i selected perhaps the most masculine thing he owns; the J Crew Argyle Sweater Vest. Now before anyone goes looking for tire irons and brokeback sequals, remember that every one of your great grandfathers probably owned one and you still exist, so there is hope. Ignore the fact that they also probably fought prohibition, world wars, and they are just like Pat; never wrong.

Of course this is all in good fun, and Pat is a great kid, there are just three rules to this whole experiment. 1. Do not tell Pat 2. Do not tell anyone who would tell Pat 3. Remember its a joke.

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