Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Throwback Baseball Hats

I'll be honest, I am a little tired; had a long day; and didn't think I was gonna get anything tonight. But then I come online and I see that 30 people are now watching this thing happen, and i motivated. Besides, Pat is currently downstairs covered in Crayola magic markers making what looks like a 6th grade poster project for science class. It is not. Its a poster to be sure, but its a picture of the front of a colt 45 40 ounce bottle. Complete with an inner structure welded out of coat hangers into the shape of a bottle Pat Lizotte is going as Joe 40.

Do i think he chose that name to make people give him the 'i don't get it, your joke was too nuanced' look. absolutely.

but i am sort of fine with that I mean i am essentially dressing in a patsuit -- but there is an entire blog attached to it -- I mean i can't really call him nuanced, half of my costume is an electronic joke between me and 30 people -- and this is all very much throwback baseball hats. (eddie izzard)

So Pat loves buying the throwback baseball hats from or or something. Apparently the just straight up team hat doesn't jive with that half hipster thing he kind of does, but a throwback hat seals the deal; that and liking girl talk. he loves girl talk.

And nothing says it quite like a 1953 St. Louis Browns hat.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- S everal beers later
Pat bought guitar hero with the wireless drumset the other day. So between arts and crafts periods he loves this fucking game. Its fun, but not so fun that i wouldn't notice somebody slipping into the adjacent bedroom (my room) and stealing my bright red Johnny is my Homeboy t-shirt. Bam!bam! - keep it secret keep it safe.

(also quick poll is gonna go up, because i need a way to tell Pat this whole thing. Do i show him before we go out? or do i wear all his shit and just tell him when we go out)


Laura said...

I think you should print it out and leave it somewhere obvious for him to find right before he sees you in costume and you exit your home.

Gazoo said...

thats a good idea.