Thursday, October 30, 2008

1 Day until Halloween

Not putting up a picture of hot chicks in any blog is simply unacceptable. It's like making a movie, and not showing titties. Why on earth would any director in the entire world not show boobs in the movie -- you know he's getting offers from hundreds of women begging to do any topless scene they can just to make the movie why the fuck do you say no thanks to that? That is every single guys' first question about any movie they are deciding upon watching or not watching. If the answer is yes, you are sticking around to see that fucking titty scene. Fact.

----------> a few whiskey nips that i hide in my cube for "rough days" later....

As the coked up drug dealer in blow said "fuck me running, good good." That little orange ticker is almost at 100. That is just amazing.

So i am giving a little preview of my plans for tonight; The Jack Daniels wife beater. I don't know where it is, he may even be wearing it now because he is equally as attached to that thing as he is to those red and black fuck me pumps. Also, I kind of like Keeler's idea of printing out the entire blog and putting it up somehow so that I introduce myself, and Pat gets to see the whole experiment like pinned to the walls or something. With video of his face. That way he

a.) won't be staring at a tiny little screen when he finds out.
b.) won't be in close quarters to me if he doesn't find this funny.
c.) if he does lose it, there will be a youtube video of me dropkicking the shit out of him and then sprinting for the door like i stole something, in all of his clothing.

So in retrospect I think the poll question should just be: will pat find this funny? feel free to comment.

1 comment:

Merrill Foster said...

I think a clipboard with the blog printed on it would really add to the outfit. You could pass out flyers.

If the party-thrower has a large TV, get them to hook the computer up to the TV and just have it on display all night.

You definitely want to do it at the party--it's not funny as a little solo tete-a-tete pre-party. You wouldn't want to deprive your 110 fans of the opportunity to see his face. In fact, were I you, I would go to the party before, that way you can be standing there right next to the display of this blog and everyone can enjoy the full reaction.
But that's just me.